Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tools of the Trade

Yesterday I was in Manhattan. Before I headed home I decided to go downtown and pick up my uniforms and culinary kit. The kit is a fun little collection of tools and utensils. We are required to have it at school everyday. It's quite heavy so I'm hoping we can leave it in our locker.

The uniform is super cool. I couldn't wait to get home and try it on. The black checked pants were about a foot to long for me so I pulled out the sewing machine and hemmed both pair right away. When Bob came home I was completely decked out. He snapped a few pictures. I'm almost ready to begin.

This video is a tour of one of the kitchens that are used in
the Career Pastry courses. It is very similar to the kitchens
used by the Career Culinary Arts students

Only one more week,
The Garlic Rose

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